anxiety, Depression, mental health Colleen Riggs anxiety, Depression, mental health Colleen Riggs

Challenging Unhelpful Thinking Patterns

If you have made it this far you have hopefully already read my blogs over the past 2 weeks regarding Core Beliefs and Unhelpful Thinking Patterns. Today we’re going to focus on a few different ways to challenge this negative unhelpful thinking. Some of this may look familiar if you read my blog “A New Year a New You.” In this blog I am going to give a few different ways to challenge this unhelpful thinking and let you decide which one(s) work best for you.

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ADHD, anxiety, Depression, mental health Colleen Riggs ADHD, anxiety, Depression, mental health Colleen Riggs

Unhelpful thinking patterns we all fall victim to…

Unhelpful thinking patterns are very quick, automatic patterns of thinking that you have about yourself, others and life in general and they are often in line with your core beliefs. They are typically negative, judgmental, exaggerated, inflexible, rigid and very convincing. On top of that, they distort reality and contribute to feelings of depression, anger, stress, loneliness, hopelessness, helplessness, distrust, anxiety and fear. Other terms for thinking distortions are “Cognitive Distortions”, “Negative Thinking Patterns”, “Thought Distortions”, or “Automatic Thinking.”

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Depression, mental health Colleen Riggs Depression, mental health Colleen Riggs

Suicide and Self-Harm

Suicide is not a topic that many people openly talk about, even mental health providers often have a hard time asking patients about their suicidal thoughts, plans, if they have the means to follow through with the plan and what is their level of intent. But these are very important conversations we need to be having, not just as providers but with our loved ones.

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Self-Care for Essential Workers

Whether you are a doctor, nurse, therapist, assistant, fast food employee, delivery driver, sanitation worker, etc; you have and always will be “essential” but now that you are working endlessly and tirelessly who is taking care of you? Many of you are being forced to work long never ending hours and many of you are having to live separately from your families wether that is by choice to protect them or necessity. This is leading to further isolation when our mental health needs it the most. I want to let you know that you are not alone! There are many people out there to support you and who are in the same boat, I highly encouraged you to reach out for support.

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mental health, anxiety Colleen Riggs mental health, anxiety Colleen Riggs

Anxiety 101

Anxiety is a very natural response your body has to stress, we all need some level of anxiety, after all that’s what has kept us alive for millions of years depending on your beliefs. This stress response is also known as the fight or flight response. It’s when your body’s natural instincts kick in to save your life. It’s designed to help you fight off danger, freeze if necessary or run away (flight).

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mental health, self-care Colleen Riggs mental health, self-care Colleen Riggs

Depression 101

Depression is often episodic, sometimes chronic, and/or comes and goes. Depression looks different in everyone and there are a variety of types of depression. Typical symptoms of depression include ongoing feelings of sadness, sleeping difficulties (typically over sleeping), loss of interest or pleasure in things you normally enjoy, feeling tired/fatigued daily despite adequate/excessive sleep, weight loss or gain, feelings of worthlessness and/or hopelessness, trouble focusing and being productive and possibly thoughts of death or feeling like the world would be better off without you.

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