What will your Word of the Year Be? What word feels like a good fit for the overall theme of what you hope to accomplish in 2022? What word can you check in with yourself from time to time to make sure you’re honoring it? Throw out those new years resolutions; if you made them… maybe use them to help you brainstorm your word. Is there a theme?
Exercise & Depression
Exercise is a natural anti-depressant. Not only does it make you feel good about yourself and doing something good for you. Science actually shows that it helps to change the chemistry of the brain, not only improving mood but also helping your brain to process anti-depressant medications more effectively.
Self-Care for Essential Workers
Whether you are a doctor, nurse, therapist, assistant, fast food employee, delivery driver, sanitation worker, etc; you have and always will be “essential” but now that you are working endlessly and tirelessly who is taking care of you? Many of you are being forced to work long never ending hours and many of you are having to live separately from your families wether that is by choice to protect them or necessity. This is leading to further isolation when our mental health needs it the most. I want to let you know that you are not alone! There are many people out there to support you and who are in the same boat, I highly encouraged you to reach out for support.
How to Maintain Social Connection While Social Distancing
Sounds like an oxy-moron right? By now you’ve probably gotten to the point where you feel like you’re losing your mind and trust me, you aren’t alone.
Apps and other ways to maintain social connection during the time of Social Distancing:
Tips for Mental Wellness During COVID-19 Restrictions
I’m going to a little off course here from my original plan as it seems this COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic is going to be sticking around for awhile.
Depression 101
Depression is often episodic, sometimes chronic, and/or comes and goes. Depression looks different in everyone and there are a variety of types of depression. Typical symptoms of depression include ongoing feelings of sadness, sleeping difficulties (typically over sleeping), loss of interest or pleasure in things you normally enjoy, feeling tired/fatigued daily despite adequate/excessive sleep, weight loss or gain, feelings of worthlessness and/or hopelessness, trouble focusing and being productive and possibly thoughts of death or feeling like the world would be better off without you.
I am a Valentine’s Day Grinch
Regardless of whether or not you have a significant other to spend this “holiday” with, I think it’s a good idea to talk about how we can take care of ourselves on this day. Turn V-Day into U-Day by practicing self-care. Here are some ideas to get you going:
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
With my least favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day, creeping up on us quickly I want to change directions for a bit to talk about relationships for the next few blogs.